Campus Student Services Green Pages Student Handbook

Academic Advising

Advisors in the Academic Advising Center work with students to create their first semester schedule at JU. Students who have a chosen major are assigned a faculty advisor within their major area of study for their first semester at JU. Academic advising is an important part of the overall educational process at JU and students are encouraged to establish personal contacts with their faculty advisors throughout their college careers. Academic advisors assist with course scheduling and career planning, monitor academic progress, provide information about educational requirements and procedures, and refer students to other campus services when necessary. All undergraduate students are encouraged to meet with their advisors at least once per semester to discuss their academic progress and to plan a class schedule for the next term. Students who are undecided about a major are assigned a professional advisor in the Academic Advising Center, Howard Building, until they do declare a major. Other services offered by the Academic Advising Center include programs for students experiencing academic difficulty, follow up to the Academic Intervention Forms (AIFs available through Starfish) submitted by faculty identifying issues that impede a student's success in a particular class, collecting and disseminating mid-term progress reports, and long-term academic planning. In addition, Academic Advising Center Advisors work with Student Athlete Services to meet    and discuss their NCAA eligibility requirements and track their progress throughout the student-athletes' university career.

Academic Support Center (ASC)

Need Academic Help? Just ASC

The Academic Support Center (ASC), located on the top floor of the Swisher Library, provides academic support to all JU undergraduate students, free of charge. Services include:

  • Peer tutoring for most JU Core courses and a variety of upper-level courses;
  • Assistance with note taking, time management, test taking and preparation, reading strategies, critical thinking, and more;
  • Study space and computer access for individuals and groups;
  • Review sessions for major exams for several courses;
  • Online live tutoring and synchronous writing support via Brainfuse for distance learners;
  • In-class learning strategy workshops available by request.

The ASC Peer Tutors and STEAM Fellows have attained at least sophomore status, have a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or above, and have exceptional recommendations from JU faculty. Each semester the ASC student staff receives regular training on a variety of tutoring topics and peer education best practices that align with the standards set by the College Reading and Learning Association’s (CRLA) International Tutor Training Program Certification (ITTPC).

Walk-ins are welcome, but making an appointment in advance will ensure that a tutor is ready to work with you when you arrive. You can make a tutoring appointment by stopping by the Center, giving us a call or through our scheduling software, TutorTrac. You can access TutorTrac to schedule an appointment online through the MyJU portal by clicking on "Tutoring Appointments." Please call us at 904-256-7123 for any assistance. 

Tutoring Hours

Fall & Spring

  • Monday: 10:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday - Thursday: 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
  • Friday: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


The Bookstore sells all of your course materials (new/used/digital/rental), lab materials, school supplies, imprinted clothing and gift items. Additional customer services include graduation regalia, class rings and small convenience items (food, health and beauty aids). Located in the Kinne University Center, the Bookstore operates Monday through Thursday 8:30am – 5:30pm; Friday 8:30am – 4:00pm; Saturday, 9am – 2pm (during the school year). Visit our website for updated business hours related to class starts, special events and promotions.

Campus Safety and Security

University Campus Security officers are responsible for providing the campus community with around-the-clock unarmed security services. Campus Security is located on the first floor of the Howard Administration Building. Campus Security cooperates with federal, state and local law enforcement agencies to resolve reported criminal activity on campus. Campus Security supervises a network of "blue lights" emergency telephones placed throughout the campus. Personal safety escort services are available upon request.

Career Management

Career Management is committed to providing comprehensive career services to support students and alumni in the development, evaluation and implementation of career, educational and professional goals.


Career Management serves as the primary office for connecting JU students with employers and maintains "Handshake", the University's online Career Management System where students can find internships, on-campus jobs, full- and part-time employment opportunities.

All Other Services

Career Management offers career advising, career assessments, career express hours and individual career counseling sessions.  The office also offers a for credit course, “Career and Professional Development”, which is designed to help students become career ready.  Workshops to help build resumes, cover letters and personal brand statements are available.  In addition, tools such as OptimalResume, a premier resume builder; Traitify, a career decision tool; and Strengths Finder, a strength assessment which provides guidance for various career related activities.  Help with mock-interviews and events such as career expos, on-campus information sessions, as well as recruiting and employer networking events.

Counseling Center

Licensed psychologists and counselors are available at the Student Counseling Center to assist enrolled students with personal concerns and to provide student related consultation services to faculty and staff. Students needing assistance or information on stress, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, relationship issues, alcohol or drugs, and/or family concerns may schedule an appointment.

Students are also welcome to schedule an appointment to discuss personal growth issues such as understanding yourself better, becoming more assertive, developing effective relationship skills, and learning better ways to balance your life and manage your time. Counselors are also available to provide informational sessions and outreach programming on various topics as well as individual consultation for those concerned about a friend. Confidentiality is protected by state law. 

Dining Services

  • Telephone number  (904) 256-7540
  • Office location  Kinne University Center

Aramark is the food provider at Jacksonville University. Riverview Dining Hall, located in the Kinne Student Center, is a full service dining location offering an "all- you- care-to-eat" option. There are ten culinary stations featuring pizza, pasta saute, deli, comfort food, grill, salad and international cuisine. Starbucks, located in the Kinne Student Center features pastries, salads, sandwiches and full service barista station. Chick-fil-A, awarded for America's Healthiest Chain Restaurant, is located in the Davis Student Commons. Also located in the Davis Student Commons is the brand new P.O.D. store which offers a wide variety of grab-and-go items, as well as everyday necessities.  Waves, located in Oak Hall, is your ideal late night quick snack option. Nightly features include pizza, salads, sandwiches and a variety of convenience snacks. Currents, located in the Davis College of Business & Technology, is a coffee lover's best option for a nice hot cup of Starbucks coffee or a cool smoothie treat.  The River House is the on-campus pub that offers a wide selection of fresh salads, flatbreads and grilled items.  Located next to the sand volleyball courts, this is the perfect spot to bring a group of friends and hang out throughout the day.

Disability Support Services

A Student Life professional staff member is the University's Director for Disability Support Services. The University recognizes that some disabilities are primarily physical, while others are psychological or involve specific disabilities of the learning process. Available resources include assistance with course scheduling, coordination of services with other University departments such as Residential Life and Counseling Services, counseling in faculty/peer relations, guidance in lifestyle management and community agency referrals. Accommodations in the classroom may include but are not limited to: priority seating, change of classroom, audio recording of lectures, extra time for tests, alternative test formats, etc. If you seek assistance or request "reasonable accommodations" under the ADA Section 504, you must provide complete medical and/or psychological documentation to the Director for Disability Support Services. Documentation must be current - not more than three years old. Requests for "reasonable accommodations" must be made in a timely manner in order to allow faculty/staff to plan for provision of the accommodations. Students with disabilities are responsible for maintaining the same academic levels and appropriate behavior as other students. Students must request "reasonable accommodations" each semester of enrollment to receive the accommodations.

Students with a hearing and/or speech related disabilities should call the Florida Relay Service at 1-800-955-8771 for TDD assistance.

Dolphin Card

  • Telephone number  1 (866) 552-4240
  • Office location  Student Financial Services – Howard Building, 1st Floor
  • Website location

The JU Dolphin Card is designed to serve Jacksonville University students' needs. The JU Dolphin Card may be used in a variety of ways: as an identification card, as a meal plan card for resident students and as a debit card, making cash practically unnecessary on campus and now at select off-campus locations. Students can use their JU Dolphin Card for purchases in the bookstore, at the vending and washing machines, the printers and copiers in the library and labs, and meals and snacks for our commuter students. New students will have their cards produced at Orientation. To register, make an on-line deposit or view Terms and Conditions at . Replacement cards may be obtained from the Campus Security office. Please keep this card with you at all times so you can identify yourself as a JU student upon request by authorized personnel.

Employment Opportunities

Students who wish to work while attending JU may contact the Student Employment Coordinator, Donna Bratcher,, for available Federal and University campus positions, as well as the Financial Services website.  For those seeking off-campus jobs, Career Management maintains lists of potential employers.

Financial Aid

The Student Financial Assistance office administers a comprehensive program of student financial assistance - both need-based and non-need based - that includes scholarships, grants, loans and employment opportunities. You must re-apply for financial aid every October for the upcoming award year.  The Financial Assistance Office is located on the first floor of the Howard Building.  Caring financial aid counselors are prepared to assist you in developing your four year financial plan.

Fitness Center, Billie Nimnicht Jr.

  • Telephone number  (904) 256-7548
  • Office location  Davis Student Commons, Lower Level

The Billie Nimnicht Jr. Fitness Center is located in the Davis Student Commons and is available for all Jacksonville University students, faculty and staff. Fitness Center patrons must be 16 years of age or older. The JU community members are responsible for the conduct and actions of his/her guests.

Health Care for University Students

Student Health Center 

The vision of the Jacksonville University Student Health Center (JU SHC) is to complement the academic mission of student success by partnering with students to develop short and long-term healthy lifestyles that ultimately result in healthy physical, emotional, and psychological behaviors culminating in an overall healthy campus. 

Staying healthy is an important part of college life; we provide preventative and episodic health care as well as teach students to manage their healthcare and navigate the healthcare system.

  • Office locationHea

Health Insurance

  • Telephone number  (904) 256-7080
  • Office location  Student Financial Services – Howard Building, 1st Floor

All full-time traditional undergraduate students enrolled for a minimum of twelve (12) credit hours will automatically be enrolled in the Jacksonville University Student Medical Insurance Plan and the premium for coverage is added to the tuition billing upon registration. This plan is also automatically added for Orthodontics students, excluding those participating in the Clinical Research in Orthodontic Fellowship Program. Coverage can be waived if evidence of other comparable coverage is presented prior to the waiver deadline.

Graduate students are also eligible for and enrolled in Student Health Insurance based on their registration. Learn more about graduate student health insurance.

The University student health insurance policy is compliant with the Federal Health Care Reform law (section 1302b of the PPACA).

General Rules for Enrollment

Students may enroll after the deadline only if there has been a significant life change (i.e. loss of prior coverage) and should contact the Jacksonville University Student Health Insurance Administrator at (904) 256-7080 or A written request must be submitted to Student Accounts with documentation as to why they are no longer insured.

Special Note for International Students

Waivers will only be accepted if your insurance coverage has a claims office in the United States and the policy must be written in English.

Additional Information

Effective Dates: Insurance benefits cover each academic year (August 1 – July 31).

Waiver Procedure: In order to waive the Jacksonville University Student Health Insurance Plan, your private health insurance must provide comparable coverage. This means your plan needs to have doctors and hospitals in Jacksonville, Florida; cover you for services beyond emergency care which includes pharmacy, physician visits, mental health, surgery, diagnostic testing, maternity, preventive services; and does not have a high deductible. Traditionally, out of state Medicaid coverage does not satisfy these requirements. The insurance company must be based in the United States. Your Plan must cover you from August 1 to July 31.

If the waiver information has not been received by the indicated deadline, the student will remain enrolled in the University's Student Medical Insurance Plan and the charge for the Student Medical Insurance Plan cannot be removed.

The Student Health Insurance price may vary per academic year and can be subject to change by vendor. 

Questions about the plan? Visit the Student Health Insurance page or contact Student Accounts at (904) 256-7080. 


International Students

  • Telephone number  (904) 256-7067
  • Office location  Student Life Office – Davis Student Commons

International students make up a significant portion of JU's student population and face a unique set of requirements to qualify for study in the United States. To help our international students make a smooth transition to college life and the U.S., the University has designated the Dean of Students Office to support  international students. With an office in the Davis Student Commons, third floor, the office guides international students through required processes and procedures from admission to graduation. The International Student Handbook contains specific information for international students including immigration regulations, Internal Revenue Service requirements, health and health insurance requirements, and general information about U.S. customs and courtesies.

Library, Carl S. Swisher

The Mission of the Library is to provide the best access to current, relevant, and historical information to the JU community. We provide quality information resources in multiple formats and have liaison outreach to support the academic programs. We offer guidance in research and review of sources; and teach critical thinking skills to evaluate the quality of sources and publications. The library is viewed as a place on campus to get work done and provide a physical collaborative gathering space to foster student learning and personal growth.

Check out our dynamic digital collections by conveniently accessing our electronic databases, eBooks, and streaming content by visiting Online users have access to high quality academic research at your fingertips at any hour or location. The Carl S. Swisher library has books that circulate and items on reserve, computer labs, quiet study areas, group study rooms, free DVD check-out, a leisure reading collection and a staff committed to meeting your needs.


The Navy Reserve Officers Training Program (NROTC) is a multi-year program that runs concurrently with a student's normal college or university educational course of study. In addition to a normal academic workload leading to a Baccalaureate degree, NROTC students attend classes in Naval Science, participate in the NROTC unit for drill, physical training, and other activities, and are generally taught the leadership principles and high ideals of a military officer. During the summer break between school years, NROTC students participate in a variety of training activities. These sessions help students understand various career options as well as familiarize them with a military life. Upon graduation, midshipmen who complete all academic requirements in the NROTC program are commissioned as Ensigns in the Navy or Second Lieutenants in the Marine Corps. Some midshipmen may be commissioned temporarily into the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR).

NROTC programs are conducted at civilian universities and colleges and are made up of several different types of students:

  1. National Four-Year Scholarship Midshipman Program students are selected from applicants through a national competition. Applicants apply for either Navy Option or Marine option and selectees are appointed MIDN in either the United States Naval Reserve (USNR) or United States Marine Corps Reserve (USMCR), as appropriate. Selectees also are granted the compensation and benefits authorized by law and current policy during the Basic Course (not to exceed 20 months) and the Advanced Course (not to exceed 20 months) for a total period not to exceed four years (40 months or 50 months with approved fifth year benefits). During this period, the government pays for college tuition, authorized fees, a textbook stipend, a subsistence allowance as prescribed by law and Navy policy, and provides uniforms or compensation in lieu.
  2. National Two-Year Scholarship Midshipman Program students are selected through a national competition from non-College Program applicants who meet the eligibility criteria and have at least two years of academic study remaining toward a baccalaureate degree. Those selected are appointed MIDN U.S. Navy or Marine Corps Reserve upon reporting for enrollment in the NROTC advanced course. They qualify for enrollment in the Advanced Course by successfully completing Naval Science Institute (NSI). Students enrolled as Two-Year Scholarship Program students have the same privileges and obligations as those enrolled in the Four-Year Scholarship Program.
  3. The NROTC College Program students are offered to college students who wish to serve their country as commissioned officers, but who have not been awarded any form of an NROTC scholarship. College Program students are selected from those who have applied for enrollment at the NROTC unit and sign a contract in which they agree to complete certain Naval Science courses and one summer training period. The Basic Course of the College Program is designed for those students with at least three years of college coursework remaining. While in the Basic Course, students have the status of civilians.
  4. NROTC Advanced Standing students are considered to be in Advanced Standing if they are selected by NSTC OD2 or Marine Corps Recruiting Command (MCRC) for Advanced Standing, accepted in the Advanced Course by the PNS, and attend the third year of the Naval Science course. NROTC College Program Advanced Standing includes the third and fourth year of Naval Science classes and First Class (1/C) summer training. Every student selected for the Advanced Course must enlist in the Naval or Marine Corps Reserve prior to commencing the Advanced Course. In return for enlistment and acceptance into the Advanced Course, the Navy will provide each Advanced Standing student uniforms, Naval Science textbooks, and a subsistence allowance for a maximum of 20 months. The NROTC College Program student, upon graduation and completion of Naval Science requirements, will be commissioned as an Ensign in the Navy or as a Second Lieutenant in the Marine Corps.
  5. Seaman to Admiral-21 Officer Candidates are active duty enlisted personnel who were competitively selected to participate in an educational degree program which leads to a commission in the United States Navy.
  6. Marine Enlisted Commissioning and Education Program Officer Candidates are active duty enlisted personnel who were competitively selected to participate in a baccalaureate degree program which leads to a commission in the United States Marine Corps.
  7. Naval Science Students with the approval of the PNS/OIC and the university, students who are not participating in any NROTC scholarship program may enroll in Naval Science courses because of their personal interest in the course or as a candidate for enrollment in the NROTC College Program or Merchant Marine Reserve, USNR MIDN Program (see Paragraph 3-19). These civilians are known as Naval Science students. Such enrollments are permitted provided the acceptance of such students will not adversely affect the instruction given to students who are participating in NROTC programs. Naval Science students are not members of the NROTC unit or DNS. Unless specifically authorized by NSTC OD, they will not be eligible to participate in NROTC Summer Training, or unit physical fitness training or drill, and will not be issued uniforms, have access to sensitive information, or receive any NROTC benefits. They are not considered NROTC MIDN and may withdraw from Naval Science classes per university guidelines.

Post Office

  • Telephone number  (904) 256-7505
  • Office location  Kinne University Center – Lower Level

Student mailboxes are located in the campus post office, adjacent to the Bookstore. Each resident student needs to stop by the JU Post Office to set up their mail box. The post office offers normal US Post Office services, including incoming and outgoing mail/parcels along with incoming UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc. Window hours are Monday-Friday, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Students are expected to check their mailboxes, as this is a primary mode of communication for the University.


The Registrar provides services for both undergraduate and graduate students including registration, grade reporting, transcript production, evaluation of transfer credits, final degree check for graduation and determination of academic honors. The Registrar's Office window hours are Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Information about the Registrar's office may be found on their web page .

Student Accounts

  • Telephone number  (904) 256-7080
  • Office location  Student Financial Services – Howard Building, 1st Floor
  • Website location

The Cashiers' Window, located in the Student Financial Services Office, is where you go if you have questions regarding your student account, to pay your tuition and fees, and pick up student paychecks. Window hours are Monday-Friday, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm. In some cases, the Student Financial Associates at the window will direct you inside to see a Student Accountant.

Student Government Association (SGA)

  • Telephone number  (904) 256-7520
  • Office location  Student Engagement and Leadership Office – Davis Student Commons – Main Floor

The Student Government Association (SGA) serves as a voice and advocate for the student body. SGA fosters and promotes a positive relationship between the student body, faculty and administration. SGA serves as an advocate for students, distributes organization funding, and supports clubs and organizations to create a more vibrant campus life. SGA's ultimate goal is to make a positive difference in the life of JU students while upholding the mission of the University. 

Student Inclusion Center

The office of Student Inclusion serves as an integral part in the ongoing development of educational opportunities for all students within the Jacksonville University community on matters related to race, cultural diversity, equity and inclusion. The Center works to develop a supportive, inclusive and just campus culture that embraces and celebrates the Jacksonville University community and beyond.

Student Media

Jacksonville University has a variety of student media outlets. All groups are staffed by students, advised by faculty and supervised by a Media Board. The Navigator, The Riparian, The Aquarian, the Dolphin Channel and Dolphin Radio all provide excellent opportunities for professional experience.

Vehicle Registration

  • Telephone number  (904) 256-7585 or (904) 256-7911
  • Office location  Campus Security Office – Warehouse

All vehicles parked on the JU campus must be registered with the Department of Campus Security and must display a current parking decal at all times. This includes cars, motorcycles, motor scooters, and bicycles. To obtain your parking decal, you may complete the registration form on-line using WebAdvisor.  Please print the completed registration document and bring it along with your Driver’s License and vehicle registration (for verification purposes) to the Campus Security Office (Green Street entrance) for your decal to be issued in an expeditious manner. You may also instead choose to bring your state vehicle registration and ID to the Campus Security Office to complete the registration document there. There is a separate form to complete when registering your bicycle. Decals are issued with the understanding that students will be responsible for reading and abiding by Jacksonville University's parking rules and regulations. Citations issued to your vehicle will immediately be placed on your account where they will remain until the citation is appealed or paid. Students are allotted 15 calendar days from the date of the citation to file an appeal with Campus Security or pay the citation at the Controller's office or WebAdvisor.

Visitor parking passes are available in the Campus Security office and should be displayed for the duration of the visit. Any vehicle without a parking pass/permit will be subject to receiving a citation or being towed off campus.